Sometimes on older solex carbs the brass fuel pipe fitting can work its way loose after years of use. They are only a push on pressure fit and if they work there way loose they can literally spray fuel all over you hot engine!

If this happens then its a fairly easy fix but even if it doesn’t, if you run a single solex carb that has seen a few miles then read on. There is a neat modification that you can do to avoid it happening in the first place.
First The Fix
You will want to take the fuel line and brass pipe off (ensuring the fuel line is bunged or crimped). Then clean up the brass pipe and outlet in the carb. If the carb is particularly mucky and the brass pipe very loose then it will be best to remove the carb and take the top off. It makes it easier to clean and work on and ensures any broken brass pieces or product that you fix it with doesn’t end up inside the carb.
What I use is JBweld, it’s permanent, seriously heavy duty and resistant to fuel. You need a kit of two tubes, something to mix it with and a piece of strong wire that can be bent in to shape.
Once everything is clean, mix a pea sized amount together until a uniform colour. Coat the bottom edge sparingly below the visible line on the brass pipe and gently slide it in to the carb. Ensure no extra jbweld blocks the hole and wipe off any excess.
Now for the mod
The brass pipe wont be going anywhere but as a precaution and for anyone who has not had the pipe fall out I highly recommend the following mod :

Using new fuel line and a proper hose clip, get your length of wire and wind it round the right hand rear carb screw, using a washer helps to keep things where they should be. Next feed it around the hose clip and twist to tighten. Its just a bit of added security meaning without any further mods your brass fuel line wont come loose.